

This document is used to guide Yolanda customers to access Yunkangbao's smart devices.

The SDK supports devices, please refer to Device Type

Docking steps

1. Business application

Sign a cooperation agreement with Yolanda business staff, our company will provide the appid andconfiguration file required for development

We will provide a form, as long as you fill out the form according to the requirements and send it to our staff for processing, usually the two things above will be given soon

Never use the test appid of 123456789 in the official app, it is unstable, we may block it at any time, or change the appid for test

2. Download the research SDK

Download the SDK for the corresponding platform, run the demo using the appid and configuration file applied for above, and study how the demo and documentation use the SDK.

It is strongly recommended that you study the demo before connecting to your own APP. In addition, you can take a look at FAQ, and read the questions carefully, maybe your doubts will be solved.

Suggest developers star Our SDK project, so that we can receive update notifications in time

3. Design body fat scale function

Design how to connect the body fat scale in the existing APP. After researching the SDK in the previous step, we can also design a body fat scale for this step to avoid many minefields.

The general steps of using body fat scale are:

  1. Add device

    This is not configured with Android or iOS systems, Bluetooth 4.0 can support unpaired use. Our body fat scale is a custom protocol, usually only our APP or APP connected to our SDK can be used. Cannot be added to the system, use the system Bluetooth connection.

  2. Measurement

    The measurement here actually includes Bluetooth scanning and Bluetooth connection. During the measurement process, it is best to show some measurement animations to remind the user that the measurement is being performed to avoid the boring process

  3. Save and display data

    After receiving the locked measurement data, the data is saved locally and displayed. In order to achieve offline measurement, you can save the data locally and then upload it to the server. If there is no network at the time, you can wait for the network to upload the data to the server. The way to display data can refer to our APP, of course, if you have your own style and analysis method, you can also use your own.

4. Develop APP function

According to the designed function, connect the SDK to the APP.

Pay special attention to the location permission and location service switch of Android. iOS requires Bluetooth permission after the main 13 version.

5. Self-test function

After the development is completed, you can use our provided test case SDK test case to verify whether the weighing function can be used.

The above attachments can be downloaded by right-clicking

If possible, it is recommended to send the test version to Yolanda, we will arrange testers to assist customers in APP testing.

We will mention the results of the test and some of our views on the APP to our customers.

6. Submit online

After the test is completed, it will be submitted online. It's best to inform Yolanda when you go online successfully. In this way, Yolanda will register the online results and continue to follow up the experience.

The SDK file is no longer a separate download link. The following is the Demo provided by us. The Demo project has the latest SDK file.




Android integration

iOS integration method

Development Process

Before using the SDK, you need to call initialization first, the method is: QNBleApi.initSdk

Code example:

//Android sample code
String configFilePath = "file:///android_asset/test123456789.qn";
QNBleApi.getInstance(context).initSdk("test123456789", configFilePath, new QNResultCallback() {
    public void onResult(int code, String msg) {
Log.d ("BaseApplication", "Initialization file" + msg);
NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"123456789" ofType:@"qn"];
[[QNBleApi sharedBleApi] initSdk:@"123456789" firstDataFile:file callback:^(NSError *error) {

The initialization method is the method that any device needs to call. The following is the workflow of different device types.

If you do n’t know what kind of device you have, you can refer to How to determine the type of device

Workflow of common Bluetooth scale

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