
Yolanda Bluetooth device object, currently only refers to body fat claims, follow-up may continue to the bracelet


name Types of Explanation
mac String The MAC address and SDK will be parsed according to the scanned broadcast information. On the same device, Android and IOS will return the same result. Unique for each device
name String The model name, the SDK will identify the scanned device model, if it cannot be identified, it will return a default model name, Scale
modeId String Model identification
bluetoothName String Bluetooth name, this is the broadcast name of the hardware device, different from name. APP is based on name.
RSSI int The signal strength is a negative number, generally between -30 and -100. The larger the value, the greater the signal strength. The same device may be recalled multiple times. Each time the callback is performed, the signal strength value may be different.
isScreenOn Boolean Whether it is turned on, the screen of the scale is on, it is turned on, otherwise it is not turned on.
isSupportWifi Boolean Whether to support Wifi function, if it supports, you can call the operation such as distribution network
maxUserNum int The scale supports the maximum number of registered users
registeredUserNum int Number of registered users of the scale
isSupportEightElectrodes boolean Whether to support eight-electrode devices
displayModuleType QNDisplayModuleType display module type

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