Test case

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Use case number Use case title priority Preconditions Test procedure Checkpoints and precautions expected results Remarks Test Results
SDK_01 Verify that it can be installed and run on the phone normally high 1. Install the application package on the phone
2. Open the app
Enter the measurement module normally
SDK_02 Verify that the Bluetooth shutdown prompt is normal in 1. Turn off the phone's Bluetooth
2. Add connection scale
Interface prompt:
“Bluetooth off”Hints like
This is based on the client company's own Bluetooth shutdown prompt
SDK_03 Verify that the normal data can be measured and the IOS and Android measurement results are consistent high Must be measured barefoot 1. Install and open the SDK application
2. Enter personal physical information, such as height: 161cm, age 1991-01-01, male
3. Use the same data of Android and IOS to weigh the scale and measure one complete
The measurement data of Android and iOS are the same
SDK_04 Verify that the measurement indicators for wearing shoes are normal high Shoe measurement 1. Enter your own personal data
2. Connect the scale and measure a complete data on the scale
The interface display is normal, the measurement data results only show two indicators of weight and BMI
SDK_05 Verify that the number of indicators is normal high Must be measured barefoot 1. Edit normal profile
2. Connect a scale to measure a complete data
Measurement indicators show the same as expected
SDK_06 Verify that switching between different gender measurement data is normal high 1. Use an Android phone: edit your personal data, and measure the complete data for each of the male and female scales
2. Change the IOS phone again: use the same data on the scale to measure a piece of data for men and women
The data measured on both sides of the platform are the same
SDK_07 Verify that the data for different height measurements is normal high Recommended height input range is 40cm--240cm, minimum is 40cm, maximum is 240cm 1. Enter 40cm, 161cm, 240cm respectively, other body data will not change
2. Connect the scale to the scale and measure a complete data with the three different heights above
Take 56kg body weight as an example 1. The height is the lowest, and the measured body fat rate is the highest. Body fat rate at 70%
2. Height is 161cm, body fat rate is within the normal range
3. The height is the highest and the measured body fat rate is the lowest. Body fat rate at 5.1%
SDK_08 Verify correct measurement data for different ages high Recommended age range 4 years old-80 years old Android and ios use the same data for measurement;
1. Enter the birthday as 5 years old, 28 years old, 80 years old, other information remains unchanged
2. Connect a scale with a different age to measure a complete data
The data measured on both sides of the platform are the same
SDK_09 Verify that switching between kg, Ib, kg, and st units is normal. high Set the pound unit, the scale does not support the pound, the scale defaults kg, set the st unit, the scale does not support, the scale defaults Ib 1. Edit personal data, switch between different units
2. Connect scales in different units
The unit displayed on the scale is the same as the unit set on the phone App supports display units according to your company's needs
SDK_10 Verify that the measured data of the modified data is larger than the measured data before the modification high 1. Edit personal data and connect to the scale
The scale measures a complete piece of data
2. Modify personal information, (the modified information is different from the previous one), weigh on the scale again to measure a complete data
The two measurement data are very different

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