
Data listener, related measurement data is called back here



Received the real-time weight uploaded by the scale, which can be used to synchronously display the value on the scale


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice Device for uploading real-time data.
weight double When the APP is connected for measurement, the value on the scale changes, and the APP will have a synchronous data callback, which is only displayed in the UI, not saved as the last data.


The real-time stable measurement data is obtained. When the APP is connected and the measurement is performed, the data will enter this callback


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice The device that uploaded the data.
data QNScaleData Yolanda measurement data, including weight, BMI、Data such as body fat percentage.


Obtained storage data, this kind of data is that when the user does not connect to the APP when measuring, the data will be stored to the scale side, and then when the next time is connected, the scale will upload the stored data to the APP, and then will enter this Callback.


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice The device that uploaded the data.
storedDataList List<QNScaleStoreData> Storage data list, the old scale can store at most 20 data, the new one can store 40 data. QNScaleStoreData can generate QNScaleData by passing in user data (that is, QNUser)


Get battery

Currently only supports charging scales. When the battery is less than 20%When the power is low

name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice The device that uploaded the data.
electric int Power unit%


Method callback after measuring state change, this method is not a callback for Bluetooth connection status


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice Bluetooth device object
scaleState int Refer to Scale Status Code


Callback for scale events


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice Bluetooth device object
scaleEvent int Refer to Scale Events


get sn code of device


name Types of Explanation
device QNBleDevice Bluetooth device object
sn string SN code

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