
Bluetooth protocol proxy interface, which is used to implement and manage the Bluetooth connection by itself.



Write characteristic value


name Types of Explanation
service_uuid string UUID of Bluetooth service
characteristic_uuid string UUID of eigenvalue
data byte[]/NSData The data to be written, Android is a byte array, iOS is an NSData object

Sample code

//Find the feature value first according to the service UUID and the feature value UUID
characteristic.value = data;
//iOS swift
//Find the feature value first according to the service UUID and the feature value UUID
peripheral.writeValue(data, for: characteristic, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType.withResponse )


Read characteristic value

name Types of Explanation
service_uuid string UUID of Bluetooth service
characteristic_uuid string UUID of eigenvalue
//Find the feature value first according to the service UUID and the feature value UUID
//iOS swift
//Find the feature value first according to the service UUID and the feature value UUID
peripheral.readValue(for: characteristic)

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