iOS quick integration

SDK operation requires appid and configuration files. Merchants can first use the test appid and test configuration files provided by Yolanda. When officially released, they must obtain official appid and configuration files from Yolanda.

Installation method

cocoapods installation:

  • Install Cocoapods first;
  • Update the cocoapods version of QNSDK via pod repo update;
  • In the target corresponding to Podfile, add pod'QNSDK', And execute pod install;
  • Use .xcworkspace generated by CocoaPods in the project to run the project;
  • Introduce the header file in your code file header#import`

Carthage installation:

  • Install Carthage;
  • Open Cartfile, add github""
  • Open the command line, cd to your project directory, enter carthage update;
  • Drag the QNSDK.framework under Carthage/Build/directory to the Build Phases of your project engineering configuration->Linked Binary and Libraries;
  • Introduce the header file in your code file header#import`

Manual installation:

  • Download the SDK installation package to the project
  • Introduce SDK path【TARGETS】-> 【Build Setting】->【Search Paths】->【LibrarySearch Paths】Add SDK path
  • Configure linker【TARGETS】-> 【Build Setting】-> 【Linking】-> 【Other Linker Flags】Add -ObjC-all_load、One of -force_load [SDK path]

Project configuration

  • There are right in Info.plist【Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description】【Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description】Key for Bluetooth instructions


  • SDK adapts to 8.0 and above systems
  • iOS10.0 and above systems must use Bluetooth instructions in Info.plist, otherwise the Bluetooth function of the system cannot be used
  • iOS13.0 and above systems must configure Bluetooth usage authorization instructions in Info.plist, otherwise it will be crashed
  • The linker must be configured for the SDK, otherwise the SDK will not work properly

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