
Yolanda body fat scale measurement data, including body weight, BMI、Data such as body fat percentage.


Name Type Description
user QNUser Measured users, including userId, gender, birthday, height, etc.
measureTime Date Measured time, accurate to seconds
hmac String Characteristic identification of data
height Double height
heightMode int heightMode (1 is body fat mode, 0 is body weight mode)
weight Double weight



Get a single indicator, or NULL if no specified type


name Types of Explanation
type int Index type, refer to the attached table

return value

Type: QNScaleItemData

A single indicator object contains the value of this indicator, the English name, whether it meets the standard, etc.


Get the value of a single indicator, only return the value of this indicator


name Types of Explanation
type int Index type, refer to the attached table

return value

Type: double

Returns the floating-point number type. The value of some indicators is actually of type int, and the APP needs to convert it by itself.


Return all the measurement indicators in the form of a list. If the measurement data is invalid, the values of other indicator data are all 0 except weight and BMI

return value

Type: List<QNScaleItemData>

Index list, the order will be sorted according to TYPE, if APP needs to redefine the order, you need to sort by yourself


Body fat change control

It is used to control the change of body fat and alleviate the problem of excessive body fat difference. Wsp If this method is called for body fat change control, it may happen that the index after the change control is inconsistent with the data displayed on the scale side

Precautions for use:
1. This method can be used only when there is not much change in body data and weight;
2. The access party must save the characteristic identifier of the data hmac in order to control body fat changes;
3. The relevant index value must be obtained after calling this method for control, otherwise data will be garbled


name Types of Explanation
hmac String The data feature identifier of the last valid measurement data (i.e. body fat measurement data) cannot be nil
threshold Double The maximum error control of body fat, this value is only the approximate range of control, and will not be accurately controlled.
For example, if the value is 2, then when the difference between the measured body fat and the last time is greater than 2, the measured body fat will be controlled to be about 2 different from the last measured body fat
callback QNResultCallback Whether the setting is successful

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