
Yolanda stores data objects. When the measurement is not connected to the APP, after connecting to the APP after the end, you will receive such data


Name Type Description
weight double The weight corresponding to this stored data
measureTime Date Measurement time
mac String mac address
isDataComplete Boolean Whether the stored data is complete, there is no need to call the setUser method when the data is complete, when the data is not complete, you need to use the setUser method to set the user, regardless of whether the data is completed, you need to use the generateScaleData method to generate data
height Double Height data



Set up measurement users

name Types of Explanation
user QNUser User profile, used to produce measurement data

return value

Type: Boolean is set successfully


Generate measurement data based on stored data and user data. If user data is not set, this method returns NULL

return value

Type: QNScaleData

On error, return NULL


Used to build stored data

Only support obtaining relevant information about storage data from Yolanda Cloud for construction


name Types of Explanation
weight double Weight in kilograms
measureTime Date measure time
mac String Scale side unique identification
hmac String Relevant data information, use signature information in the query user profile interface in the Bluetooth scale with Wifi function
callback QNResultCallback Whether the construction is successful

return value

Type: QNScaleStoreData

This method is specially designed for Bluetooth scales with Wifi function, which is not used in ordinary Bluetooth scales and broadcasting scales.

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