error code

normal operation

Error constant error code meaning Explanation solution
OK 0 success Successful operation no
Error constant error code meaning Explanation solution
ERROR_INVALIDATE_APP_ID 1001 app id is invalidate APPID is invalid Use the correct APPID
ERROR_NOT_INIT_SDK 1002 please call the method "initSdk" first The initSDK method is not called Call initSDK first
ERROR_FIRST_DATA_FILE_URI 1003 the first data file uri is error, please provide the correct one The Uri of the initial data file is incorrect Provide the correct path
ERROR_PACKAGE_NAME 1004 the Android Package Name is Error ,Please Check it Or Contact the SDK Provider Android's package name is incorrect Check if the package name is correct or contact the SDK provider
ERROR_BUNDLE_ID 1005 the IOS APP Bundle Id is Error ,Please Check it Or Contact the SDK Provider The IOS Bundle Id is incorrect Check if the package name is correct or contact the SDK provider
ERROR_INIT_FILE 1006 The config file content is wrong ,Please provide the correct one Incorrect initial configuration file Let Yolanda provide another initial document
Error constant error code meaning Explanation solution
ERROR_BLUETOOTH_CLOSED 1101 the bluetooth is closed,please enable it first Bluetooth is off Prompt the user to turn on Bluetooth, android can call turn on Bluetooth
ERROR_LOCATION_PERMISSION 1102 your app need the android authorize the location permission Need authorization authorization Need to authorize users to locate
ERROR_BLE_ERROR 1103 bluetooth internal error occurred When calling Bluetooth, a system error occurred. You can try the operation again, or prompt the user to restart Bluetooth.
ERROR_CONNECT_WHEN_CONNECTING 1104 bluetooth is doing connect, you should not call connect right now While connecting, the Bluetooth connection is called again Do not call the Bluetooth connection multiple times before Bluetooth is disconnected
ERROR_CONNECT_WHEN_HAS_CONNECTED 1105 bluetooth is connected another scale, please disconnect it first A device has been connected and the Bluetooth connection is called again Disconnect the previous Bluetooth connection before calling the connection
ERROR_BLUETOOTH_UNKNOWN 1106 the bluetooth state is unknown, this state may appear when the bluetooth is not prepared on the IOS Bluetooth status unknown It may be that the device is initialized and may appear on the IOS platform
ERROR_BLUETOOTH_RESETTING 1107 the system is resetting the bluetooth, try again later Restarting Bluetooth system Try again later
ERROR_BLUETOOTH_UNSUPPORTED 1108 the phone/pad is not support BLE, try another phone/pad The phone does not support the use of Bluetooth devices Try another device
ERROR_BLUETOOTH_UNAUTHORIZED 1109 bluetooth is unauthorized, ask user authorize Unauthorized use of Bluetooth devices Request user authorization APP Bluetooth permission
ERROR_BLE_CONNECT_FAIL 1110 failed to connect scale, try reconnect Bluetooth connection error Reconnect the device
ERROR_BLE_DISCONNECTING 1111 it is disconnecting th scale, try again later Bluetooth connected device is disconnecting Try again later
ERROR_BLE_NONE_SCAN 1112 No bluetooth device has been scanned No Bluetooth devices are scanned Prompt user to restart Bluetooth and scale
ERROR_BLE_CONNECT_OVERTIME 1113 Connect device timeout Within the specified connection time, the connected device is not successful reconnect

Method call error

Error constant error code meaning Explanation solution
ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT 1201 illegal argument,please check the api document Wrong parameter Check the API documentation and pass in the correct parameters
ERROR_MISS_DISCOVERY_LISTENER 1202 miss the discovery listener, please set the listener first When scanning, the scan monitoring method is not set Set up the listener before calling scan Bluetooth
ERROR_MISS_DATA_LISTENER 1203 miss the data listener, please set the listener first No data listener is set when connecting the device Set up the data listener first
ERROR_USER_ID_EMPTY 1204 the user id argument is null or empty user_id cannot be empty
ERROR_USER_GENDER 1205 the gender argument is wrong, please pass the "male" or "female" The user's gender value passed is wrong male or female
ERROR_USER_HEIGHT 1206 the height argument is wrong, please pass the value within 40 and 240 cm Wrong height Pass the value of 40 ~ 240cm
ERROR_USER_BIRTHDAY 1207 the birthday argument is wrong, please pass the date before today Wrong birthday Don't pass values later than the current time
ERROR_START_SERVICE_BACKGROUND 1208 after Android O,not allowed to start service in background After Android O, starting the service in the background will report an error Start the service when the app is in the foreground
ERROR_USER_ATHLETE_TYPE 1209 the athleteType argument is wrong, only allow 0 or 1 Only 0 or 1 is allowed Check fill type
ERROR_USER_SHAPE_GOAL_TYPE 1210 the shape or goal argument is wrong shapeType or goalType parameter matching error Check fill type
ERROR_DEVICE_TYPE 1211 the device type is wrong Device type error Check device type
ERROR_WIFI_PARAMS 1212 the WiFi params is wrong WiFi configuration parameter storage error View QNWiFiConfig related documents
ERROR_REGISTER_DEVICE 1213 register device is fail Device registration failed Check the specific error reason return error
ERROR_NOCOMPLETE_MEASURE 1214 you can get data when measurement complete Failed to obtain measurement data Please wait for the measurement data to be obtained after the measurement is completed
ERROR_NOSUPPORT_MODIFY 1215 not supported modifying units Does not support modifying units Please check whether QNBleBroadcastDevice supports unit modification
ERROR_USER_INDEX 1216 the user's index is wrong User index is not set or set illegally Please check whether the index is set when building the user, or whether it is within a reasonable range [1, 8]
ERROR_USER_SECRET 1217 the user's secret index User secret is not set or set illegally Please check whether the secret is set when building the user, or whether it is within a reasonable range [1,9999]
ERROR_OTA_FAIL 1218 ota firmware fail ota firmware failed Please check the bin file and try again later
ERROR_OTA_LOW_POWER 1219 ota low power ota device low battery Please recharge or replace the battery and try again
Error constant error code meaning Explanation solution
ERROR_CODER 1301 coder is error QR code error Please contact customer service
ERROR_CODER_INVALID 1302 coder invalid QR code invalid Please regenerate

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